domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011


We can conclude that technology has disadvantages and advantages at the same time. With the years we have seen that technology makes our lives much easier, it makes everything more simply for everyone.  It has influenced every aspect of the human life, from transportation to communication, and every human being nowadays has something to do with technology.  It is amazing how we can live in a world in which we can to do everything so simple thanks to technology and how we have developed so fast thanks to it.  But all this good things bring with it also some negative aspects, technology has changed our life styles, people now don’t communicate face to face they consider that it’s easier to do it through a computer o a cellphone, it change relationships. Also it created dependence to it, people can’t live one day without being in contact to an electronic device, which injures our health.  Technology is good if now how to control it and make the best use of it. 

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